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Articles, Design Tips
How to keep it on trend and timeless
On-trend and timeless? Surely not?
If you’re looking for a look that’s ‘of the present time’, but want to avoid the fads and fashions that can easily date a home, then Contemporary design might be just the inspiration you’re looking for. Whether you think of it as up-to-the-minute, of-the-moment, hip, cool or modern, Contemporary Style has the ability to remain sophisticated and ageless.
Look closely at luxury homes showcasing the Contemporary Style and you’ll spot similarities with the pared-back look and layouts of the 1920s and 1930s, decades characterised by the International and Bauhaus design movements. Contemporary Style has certainly stood the test of time, drawing on materials, colours and shapes of the present day to arrive at a look that’s current, yet age-defying.
You could argue it’s about achieving a far deeper sense of style than the trends and crazes that come and go in the world of residential design. Contemporary Style done well invites you to weave in your own flavour, with a hint of industrial or maybe a dash of coastal. Look out for blocky shapes, streamlined edges, cubist influences with squares, layers and bold shapes.
Unlike the easy-come-easy-go fashions of the day, Contemporary Style demands a discerning eye for detail and the ability to subtract in order to deliver more. Think simple, yet stunning. Virtually a blank canvas waiting for your own thoughtful touches and your favourite of-the-moment pieces.
Take the Sorrento for example. A coastal 4×3 custom-designed for a challenging site, it features the appearance of a flat roof, strong straight lines and big open spaces maximising a pool view. Sleek. Sophisticated. Stunning. Or the Mar e Sol – drawing on cubist and minimalist styles, this split-level 4×3 was designed for a tricky block in City Beach. Timeless, refined, uncluttered.
Also in City Beach, the Kalari Haus may have been inspired by the Mid-Century Modern era, but it too sits comfortably in the Contemporary style file. The deft touch of nostalgia gives this 5×3 warmth and personality while the white render and blocky façade keep the street appeal fresh and modern, and most definitely ‘of the present time’.
Here’s a quick run-down of the key features to look out for if you’re keen to harness the power of now:
- A strong sense of balance and proportion.
- Striking design elements used sparingly.
- Interesting cladding, from tiles and timber to zinc and copper.
- Clean lines set off by white or light-coloured walls.
- High ceilings, two-storey voids and gallery-style spaces.
- Lots of natural light.
- Big, flat façades.
- Huge windows and extra-tall stacker doors.
- Pitched, floating, flat or skillion rooflines.
- Sleek built-in cabinetry.
- Commercial-style kitchen appliances.
Add the homewares, furniture and accessories of the day and you have a home that is only too happy to move with the times!
Contact us today to book your one-on-one consultation.
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